Wednesday, August 7, 2013

6 months already? Where does time go..

During the last two months a lot has changed for Michael. He has started physical therapy and doing quite incredible. He has mastered rolling over on both sides (front to back) and is beginning to bear a lot of weight on his arms and able to push up off of them. He is such a strong little boy. I always knew he would be. 

Although I knew he would be strong, there are few things that he is needing to work extra on- which are mostly all physical aspects. He tends to favor one side of his body (the right side). The therapist has him working on strengthening the left side of his body by simply bearing weight on his left shoulder by putting his arm on the ground and bearing his weight. Each week she is seeing a significant change and saying he is improving so quickly.

Michael is doing so well in all other aspects. Social, motor skills, etc- are all excellent. He is reaching every milestone, and then some! Our baby really is a go getter who has actually started the beginning phase of crawling! Can you believe that?!

Recently, he has found his inner voice. And no, it is not the sweet cute baby voice. He is finding it very funny to scream and yell at the top of his lungs. No, he isn't crying, upset or aggravated- he is simply just enjoying screaming at the top of his lungs. We are really hoping this is phase! But are finding it quite entertaining to say the least.

We spent a nice week with family from Florida that had not yet met Michael. It was such a nice time, and we were very sad to see them go back home! We recently spent a weekend down the shore with my parents and Michael loved spending time in the ocean and with his uncles and grandparents. He's had a few sleepover at Grandma's within the past couple of weeks, getting in lots of loving. I'm telling you that our son really lives the life. 

At his 6 month check up he weighed in at 15 lbs 8.5 oz. He had one oral shot and three injection shots. Additional to that he had blood taken. Results have shown that Michael's thyroid levels are just a little bit higher than a normal level. Instead of waiting until he turns one year old, they will test his thyroid again at 9 months. He will also be going to an eye specialist within the next month to make sure his vision is okay and to make sure he does not have any cataracts (Babies with DS are more likely to have this). Overall, our boy is very healthy and doing great.

Each and every day I am always working with Michael to make sure he is thriving in every way possible. It is very important to always challenge him and keep him working. It sure sounds like a lot and I'm sure there are people out there who wonder if this baby catches a break- yes he does, he naps four times a day and gets plenty of down time.

We are still waiting to hear back from the NDSS. I spoke to Vanessa last week and asked how everything was coming together for the magazine and brochure . I was told that they are still putting everything together and as soon as it was done I would hear from her. We wait every week to hear and can't wait to see our "famous" boy on the cover! 

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