Monday, February 24, 2014

A Letter to Michael on his 1st Birthday

To my Dearest Michael Vincent,

A year ago today, you came into my life and I am forever changed. I never knew it was possible to love someone as much as I love you. It's the kind of love that never stops growing; the kind that touches not only my heart, but each and every inch of me. The kind of love that gets me through each day and reminds me what my purpose is in this life.

You shine in absolutely every way. You are such a beautiful and inspirational baby boy. I am so proud of you. You have a HUGE fan base- including your grandparents, great grandma, aunts&uncles, cousins and friends who adore you to pieces.

You are stronger than anyone I know. You have turned me into one of the most patient and understanding people. I have learned to love whole-heartedly. To not let petty things get in the way of what really matters in our lives. You have taught me that in life there are no "limits" or "standards". You create your own.

You have no idea all the joy you bring into my life. Being your Mommy is the best job I could have ever asked for. I have never felt more blessed or honored. You have completely changed my relationship with Daddy. We thought we knew what love was before you, but now that we have you, the love and bond that we have, has grown stronger- it's unbreakable. We are a team and you complete us.

Right now you see the world as a beautiful place full of wonderful people. I only wish every person viewed life with this lens you have. I constantly pray that I can save you from the ignorance that you may someday face. Unfortunately, I know that is impossible and there will be a time you will be sad and not understand. Just please know that no matter what anyone says or whatever happens, Daddy and I will always be here to remind you that you are perfect in every single way and we wouldn't change a thing about you.

There is no stopping you from excelling in life. You are a go getter. You will achieve so many great things in your life and I will stand behind you in anything and everything you do. I will ALWAYS love you unconditionally. I will constantly push you to do the best you can. But let's face it, so far you have done that all on your own. Always remember to keep your faith in God above. It is he who creates our destiny and guides us on the mysterious journey we call life.

Keep shining on, my darling. I am forever wishing you all the happiness and good health in the world, especially today.

Happy First Birthday my sweet Michael- I love you to the moon and back times infinity.

Your biggest fan,
XoXo Mommy XoXo

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Megan. Happy Birthday to our sweet boy. Grandma loves you!
