Thursday, March 21, 2013

The joys of Labor & Delivery with Michael Vincent

Hi all, today marks Michael's 25th day of life which also happens to be World Down Syndome Day! This year marks it's 8th anniversary in raising Global Awareness for Individuals with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome International invites everyone across the world to wear LOTS OF SOCKS on March 21, 2013 to help raise awareness on World Down Syndrome Day. So come on family, friends and all other advocates... dig those funky socks out of your drawers and wear them today to help raise awareness; And not only for Michael Vincent, but for all Individuals with Down Syndrome!

(Labor and Delivery story.....)

The last time I blogged I was impatiently waiting for my precious boys arrival. Little did I know that he planned to bless us with his presence three days later. It was an unexpected, but very exciting and thrilling moment of my life when I woke up to contractions at 2:30 AM on February 24, 2013.

On that Saturday I took it very easy. For those who know me, I am NOT one to sit back and put my feet up. I am constantly on the run, but on this day it just felt right to take it easy and put my nesting brain to rest. I spent a few hours in Michael's nursey that night; I took my pillow, blanket and turtle into his nursery, planted myself on the floor and sang along to lullabys, read bedtime stories to my then bump and cried every so often at the mere thought of holding my beautiful baby for the first time. Mike probably asked me about five times to get off the baby's floor and to come to bed, but I ignored him. I was so content in those moments. I somehow knew that my world was about to change within the next few hours. 

2:30 AM I was abruptly woken up by a little discomfort in my abdomen. This had been happening for a few weeks and I figured it was braxton hicks contractions. I got up to use the bathroom and then came back to bed. I started having the pain in my abdomen again and said to myself, "Thats weird, why did the pain subside and come back so soon?". I monitored the pain for a good twenty minutes and the contractions I was having were about 4-5 minutes apart. At this point, I knew that this could be early labor. I woke up Mike and told him I was having contractions. We then timed the contractions together and decided that I was definitely in early labor. I called my mom and she agreed that I could be in early labor and to call my doctor. I waited until 5:30 AM to call my doctor. After speaking with her, she explained that it sounded like early labor and that I could take my time to get ready and go to the hospital. So, I did just that. I took a nice hot shower and made sure I had everything together and ready to go for the hospital. My mom picked us up around 8:30 AM and we were off.

On the way to the hospital the contractions were 2-3 minute apart and VERY painful. I honestly don't think I have ever felt anything more painful in my entire life. I did not think that the pain would be that bad. Well ladies and gentlemen, it WAS that bad. I was looking very forward to getting an epidural and not feeling anymore pain. After getting to the hospital, they could not check me in to labor and delivery until I was dilated more than 3 CM. When I was first checked I was only 1 CM dilated and this really upset me. After that news, I got up out of bed and walked the entire maternity ward for a good hour so I could help speed up the dilation process. The next time I was checked I was 4 CM dilated and one very happy mommy to be. I was finally admitted and put into my labor and delivery room. I shortly after recieved my epidural and was starting to feel like myself again. The doctor checked me about every two hours and broke my water for me to speed up the process even more.

At this point it was about 9:00 PM and I have now been in labor for about 18 hours all together. All of my immediate family was there at the hospital to see me along with Mike's mother. They all made me feel very comfortable and helped me relax while we patiently waited for the doctor to come and say it was time to push. Around 10:15 PM the doctor finally came back in to check me and I  was told that I was ready to push and deliver my baby. Finally, I was going to meet the little love of my life.

Mike and I were more than excited. I don't really think you can put a time like this into words. I did four sets of pushes, the last set I pushed about six times. The doctor said to me, "Okay, keep pushing and don't stop, focus focus focus! You can do this!". I then thought to myself, "This is it, in about 10 seconds my entire life is going to change..." with that, that the next thing I knew my son was being lifted up and I heard his first beautiful cry. I honestly cannot put into words how I felt. It was the most indescribable feeling. My pregnancy was finally put behind us and here he was; the little angel that was sent from above, he was finally here and is absolutely beautiful. He was everything I knew he would be and more.

After being delivered at 10:38 PM at 7 lbs 13 oz and 21 1/4 inches, he came straight to his Mommy and we had our skin to skin contact and he immediately breastfed. Already my sweet boy was showing the world just how strong he is. I don't think I will ever have a happier moment in my entire life. It is a moment that I will treasure forever. My Michael Vincent, my pride and joy, my absolute everything. I never knew it was possible to love someone this much. It is a love I never felt before. A love I never knew existed. It is so pure, so real, and came so natural. My heart is full.

Our hospital stay was not exactly how I expected it to be. Because I delivered on Sunday evening, I was planned to be discharged Tuesday. On that Monday, February 25, there was a lot going on. Between visitors coming, doctors evaluating me, doctors evaluating the baby and trying to get some rest in between all of this- it was very over whelming. In the midst of all of this, the pediatric cardiologist came in my room to take Michael to get his heart looked at for any minor heart defects. I was so exhausted that I told Mike to go with the baby and I would stay in our room with our visitors. After an hour and a half went by and Mike was still not back I began to get worried because the baby was due to eat. I called Mike a few times and he was not answering. Not only did this upset me but I became very angry that he was ignoring my call. I knew that something was wrong. When he finally answered my call I could sense that something was wrong. "What is it?! Whats wrong with the baby? Did they find something on the sonagram?" Mike then said to me, "Yes, they did but it isn't something we really need to worry about just yet; the baby had an episode during the sonagram and has been put on oxygen. When we get to the maternity floor I will come get you so the doctor can explain everything to you".

"This seriously cannot be happening", I thought to myself. Everything was so perfect, what happened? I couldn't process anything that was going on, all I knew was that I wanted to see my baby and not let him out of my sight ever again. When I finally was brought to the nursery to see him, I immediately lost it and began to cry. There he was struggling in his crib, attached to oxygen and breathing so heavily. I didn't want him to hurt. It made me so sad to see him in this state. I could barely listen to the doctors as they spoke to me. I tried to listen to what they were saying and nodded my head at them, but I really don't think I processed anything they were saying until they told me he would be admitted into the NICU. I was scared, I didn't know what to expect with my sweetie being entered into the NICU.

To try and make the rest of my story a little short I will give you a brief overview of how things went for his week in the NICU. Upon being entered, Michael was given an x-ray. The left side of his lungs came back grey, so they put him on antibiotics. While in the NICU he was hooked up to an IV to make sure he was getting enough fluids, he was on oxygen until day two, and also on the heart rate monitors and PulseOx monitor. Thankfully, after the 48 hour antibiotics were done- everything came back clear. The baby also was being monitored for his moderate PDA that was found on the sonagram and his aortic valve leak. The PDA came back that it was closing and there was no more concern for his aorta being pinched; but Michael will be going back to have another sonagram next week to check on the aortic valve leak. Through the week he was slowly taken off the IV fluids and was monitored on his feedings to make sure he was eating enough before they released him to come home.

I was discharged from the hospital Tuesday, but I did not leave Michaels side while he was in the NICU. It was so hard for me to see my baby in this state. I cried almost everytime I held him.  My heart ached, I just wanted everything to be okay so we could go home. I didn't want him to hurt or be there; but ultimately I knew he ended up where he was for a reason and that he was in the BEST hands. Next to his crib there was a couch that I slept on every night. Well, sort of slept- when I wasn't changing diapers, feeding Michael and cherishing every single moment with him. Unfortunately with him being all hooked up, it was a little difficult to breast feed him, but I was able to pump my breast milk while he was there. The nurses, residents, and doctors were absolutely wonderful at Morristown Memorial. I can not express how helpful and wonderful they were to me and our beautiful boy. We were finally told we could go home on Friday March 1st. I was absolutely thrilled to finally take our baby home and start our life together.

We have now been home for almost three weeks and it has been the best time of our lives. Even though the staff in the NICU were wonderful, nothing is better than having him home with us. We have all adjusted very well and Michael is thriving. He has been to the pediatrician twice already and will be going back tomorrow, March 22 to check on his weight. The doctor is impressed at how well his muscle tone is, because majority of infants with DS have low muscle tone. He responds to our voices already and knows how to keep his mommy on her toes all day. I know everyone says their baby is perfect- but I absolutely mean it when I say our son is perfection. He is eating like a champ, sleeps through the night and loves his tummy time. Mike and I really stress to have the baby on his stomach so he works on using all of his muscles. It is important for babies with DS to focus on tummy time exercises to strengthen their muscle tone so they can reach milestones as quickly as possible. He loves being read to, loves listening to mommy singing to him and loves his massages after bathtime. He also loves his visits from his Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles, Cousins and friends.

Our Early Intervention service coordinator has already been out to meet Michael and discuss the program with me. In a few weeks, Michael will be evaluated so we can see what areas he may need help in. We are very excited to help our baby in every aspect that he needs and to help him thrive and succeed in reaching his milestones.

For now, we are really embracing being parents and loving every minute. We have never been happier and our little family is complete. Michael is everything we ever wanted and we can't picture our lives without him. Every evening we hold him and look at each other and say, "Look at our beautiful baby, this is a product of us and he is absolutely perfect". I am getting better, but I still cry every so often when I hold him because I am so in love and I am so happy to finally have him here. I feel so blessed that he is healthy and doing so well. Being a mother is such a rewarding and amazing feeling. I have never felt more complete.

So, I know you all have been patiently waiting to meet our baby. I did not want to share him for a few weeks because I wanted our family to have our bonding time and to enjoy our little family before we shared him with "the world". Michael did have a newborn photoshoot, which he did absolutely wonderful at and his pictures are beyond beautiful.  I hope you enjoy the video I have made and be prepared to fall in love with our very lovable baby.

Also, please feel free to subscribe to my blog and follow me. This is where I will update on Michaels progress and our lives together as a family.


  1. Meg what a wonderful tribute to your son. He is absolutely beautiful. The video bought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart! Best Wishes to you, Michael and Miclael Vincent. Hoping to see you all soon. Love to all of you, Aunt Arl

  2. No surprise, Aunt I is crying. So beautiful. I can't wait to see you all. Love, Aunt I.

  3. Congrats and God's Blessings to you, Michael and your beautiful baby Michael! Life is a precious gift and you will be a great Mom just like your Mom. I remember you growing up with Christina and now your turn to show Jesus just how great you are! Unfortunately I don't know m
    Michael's Dad but if you love him then he must be wonderful! I wish you all much joy and happiness and when difficult times find you I see already by reading your blog that you are a beautiful young women filled with much faith and will know the way to Jesus to help you and your family whenever!

    Chris Mulligan
