Monday, April 29, 2013

You learn something new everyday.

Our boy is beginning to challenge us. For the past 8 weeks I thought I had him topped and figured out, but tonight I was played by a two month old.

After his 7:30 feeding at my parents house, he fell fast asleep in his carseat all the way home. I took him out quietly, walked upstairs to his bedroom and changed his diaper with only the night light on. I got all the way to zipping up his pajamas and then BAM, those beautiful blues opened up and smiled at me.

Well, at that point I proceeded to pick him up and kiss his chubby cheeks and told him how much I loved him. I figured it was the perfect moment to read a book and get my munchkin back to sleep. Throughout our book reading all Michael wanted to do was coo all over his very tired Mommy and babble babble babble. As much as I treasure these moments, I knew it was going to be a long evening. So I said why not give him a bottle, this will surely put him to sleep. Nope! He drank the bottle right down, burped and continued to look me in the face with those beautiful darling eyes. Of course I just couldn't help but hold him, rock him, and fill his face up with millions of kisses. He has learned to push past his bedtime and now is overtired at this point- doing anything and everything to stay awake. He does not want to miss a trick. By 10:45, our little fella finally turned in and decided he could not put up the fight any longer.

Now I know that he needs to be home each night at 7:00 pm to have his last nightly feeding and go right to bed afterwards. Or at least if we are out I need to make sure I carry a set of pajamas for him so I can put him right to bed when we get home. My not so little baby is not sleeping through his nightly changes anymore--- as much as this makes me happy to have him sleeping from 8pm-6:30am, I sure am going to miss holding him all night long (but I am sure there will still be plenty of nights where he will need Mommy to rock him or take care of him... I hope!).

Michael is still on top and thriving in every aspect of his life. He has learned to smile in response to me. It is such an amazing feeling when he looks at me and gives me the biggest smiles and coo's. Now we are just working on Daddy.

Last week at his 2 month check up he was 10 lbs 9.5oz and he was 21 1/2 inches long. The doctor is very happy with how well Michael is doing. He also did so wonderful with his first set of shots. The last one did hurt a bit, I could tell by the big cry he let out and the sad face he made; but he only whimpered for a few seconds, took his pacifier and went to sleep shortly after.

This week we are working on him with tracking his toys, strengthening the muscle tone in his mouth and are awaiting our first infant massage which will help his digestive system, his muscles and dismiss any constipation he may be having. Infant massage was highly recommended by early intervention as it is very good for strengthening his overall muscles. I will be meeting with his new service coordinator who will ultimately be working with Mike and I every step of the way in EI. She will be coming to the house this week and will set up days for therapy to start coming in and work with our boy. Mike and I are very excited to get started and help Michael progress in every aspect.

This weekend we will be going back down the shore to see my parents and then Sunday we are celebrating a very special birthday! Yay, Patrick!!! We can't wait to see you and celebrate the big "1"!!!

And I thank you all for keeping up with my posts. I am sorry that it takes me a while, but my computer will be fixed next week and I will then have no excuse to not come in daily and update! I can't wait :)

(Don't forget to subscribe to my blog to get updates right to your email).

Yay, my munchkin is finally asleep!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Moving along

Michael is doing exceptionally well. His evaluation went wonderful and he passed with flying colors. Due to his diagnosis he will receive another physical therapy evaluation to make sure he does not require further therapy at this time. After his evaluation it was noted that Michael will be working with a social therapist to work on his feedings; as he does have low muscle tone in and around his mouth and tends to drip milk out. We will be working on increasing his fluid intake and strengthening the muscles in his mouth to put an end to the dripping. (Don't worry, he seems to be gaining a LOT of weight. As we think he is around 11 lbs. Up 3 lbs from his last weigh in on March 26.)

He will also have a special instruction therapist working with him on following objects, responding to faces, tolerating longer periods of tummy time, supporting his head up on his own, reaching and grabbing objects and playing with them.

These will be Michaels goals by 6 months; where he then will have another evaluation and more goals for the next 6 months and so forth. At any time that we feel he needs work in another area, we are allowed to add to his list of goals. As the parents, we control what we want him to work on. EI will always suggest where he needs help, but ultimately we decide exactly what we want to work on- and we will of course always take the therapists and coordinators suggestions.

This week has been very busy for my little sweetheart. Monday we spent the early afternoon with our close friends and attended our second Gymboree class. Then in the early evening we visited Grandma & Grandpa Delaney's. Tuesday I had Michaels meeting with EI and set up his IFSP (individualized family service plan). Wednesday I am taking Michael to a New Mom's Support Group, Thursday he will spend time with his Grandma Dee while I attend a teachers workshop and Friday is his two month check-up. Busy busy busy!!!!

Mike and I are just so excited to start working on Michaels goals and meeting his new therapists. All we want is to help our little boy reach for the stars and excel to the best of his ability.

Everyday, every week, Michael is teaching me something new. This week I am finding that I am becoming much more laid back and beginning to take each day as it comes. With our busy lives, it would be very easy for me to become overwhelmed, but I have been learning to just go with the flow. I am waking up with a happy heart every morning and always remember to remind myself "today will be a good day".

I am so grateful for my wonderful boyfriend, my beautiful son and the best family anyone could ask for (The Thompson's, Delaney's, Davis' & Malones'). Without all of you, I don't know where I would be. So tonight when I go upstairs to sleep- I'll kiss both my boys on their foreheads as I do every night and pray for all my family and thank you all for helping me to have such a blessed life.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Justice for Ethan Saylor

Just wanted to share this with all of you. Each and every time I read this I can't help but lose it and cry hysterical. Obviously this hits home and my heart aches for all individuals with DS to be treated just like everyone else. My heart aches especially for Ethan Saylor who was taken way too soon from his family. Not a day has gone by where I don't think of him and his family. Justice must be served for Ethan.

Please read the creed that I have come across and feel free to pass it along if you'd like. We need to spread this awareness each and everyday. May God Bless my Michael Vincent and all the beautiful people who are diagnosed with Down Syndrome.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Growing with Michael Vincent

I have been meaning to post for the past few weeks, but unfortunately my laptop is currently not working. I really need to get on that and fix it so I can start sharing some of my wonderful pictures I have of Michael.

A little over two weeks ago Michael had his cardiologist appointment to check on his PDA and the leakage in his heart. As they said the first time he had his echo cardiogram, that his PDA should close, it has! We are thrilled, yay Michael! The leak in his heart has also stopped. The only thing we discovered was that he does have a flow murmur. This is nothing to worry about because it has nothing to do with the physical aspect of his heart. It is the blood flow through his heart and it has a murmur, which is perfectly normal. We found out about 24% of the population have this.

His cardiologist is such a wonderful doctor and very personable. She made us feel very comfortable at our visit and treated our baby as if he was one of hers. I was told that he would not require a follow up because our little boy has a PERFECT heart. I was feeling very blessed after this visit. God had answered my prayers with beautiful news that our boy is in perfect physical shape thus far.

While we were at this visit we found out Michael was up to 8 lbs 14 oz. Our baby is thriving! He is finally able to fit into his 0-3 & 3 month clothing. As happy as I am about this, it also makes me sad that he no longer is the tiny peanut that was put in my arms on 2/24/13. But of course, Mike and I look very forward to watching him grow each and everyday.

Today April 8th, Michael has his evaluation with Early Intervention. It is a very important day for him and us as his parents. We look forward to learning more about our baby and how we can help him grow and reach his milestones.

As always we are constantly pushing our sweet boy to work on all of his skills. Hoping you all have a wonderful Monday and I will be in touch soon after Michaels evaluation.